Want to read about pests, repotting tips & more? Scroll no further as here are THE HOUSEPLANT DOCTOR'S most-viewed articles on the internet!

A list of toxic & pet-friendly houseplants, including hyperlinks to each plant-article!

Plants that are suitable for people who struggle to keep them alive; this even includes pet-friendly plants, too!

How to identify & address root rot with a simple step-by-step guide!

Click here to learn about the the do's & don'ts of repotting, along with a step-by-step guide (with pictures).

This article includes the causes of the five main toxins found in a typical home, along with the top ten air-purifying houseplants!

Don't know which potting-mixes are best for your plants? Click here to see the DEFINITIVE list, as well as creating your own DIY compost with perlite, grit or sand. ('Houseplant' labelled soil for Monstera, 'Cactus' compost for Aloe Vera, etc.).

Click here to learn about the importance of each nutrient, brand-fertilisers in the UK market and organic alternatives!

Click here to learn about the the do's & don'ts of repotting, along with a step-by-step guide (with pictures).