Welcome to THE HOUSEPLANT DOCTOR'S top tips on all houseplants, written in a comprehensive & no-nonsense tone!

Clusia Rosea - Autograph Trees

Clusia Rosea - Autograph Trees

This article is tailored for Autograph Plants grown either in soil or water (Hydroponically), discussing its top tips, common issues & more!

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Moses-in-the-Cradle - Tradescantia Spathacea

Moses-in-the-Cradle - Tradescantia Spathacea

This species of Tradescantia is a delight to have in any plant collection. Click here to learn about their easy-natured care requirements and top tips!

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Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

Click here to learn more about Lucky Bamboo grown in water, including information on repotting, propagation & common issues!

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