Welcome to THE HOUSEPLANT DOCTOR'S top tips on all houseplants, written in a comprehensive & no-nonsense tone!

Madagascan Dragon Trees - D. Marginata, Magenta & Tricolor

Madagascan Dragon Trees - D. Marginata, Magenta & Tricolor

Click here to learn more about Dragon Trees, including information on repotting, propagation & common issues!

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Dracaena Fragrans 'Massangeana' - Corn/Cane Plants

Dracaena Fragrans 'Massangeana' - Corn/Cane Plants

This article includes details on the cultivation and repotting of Corn Plants.

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Dracaena Deremensis 'Lemon & Lime'

Dracaena Deremensis 'Lemon & Lime'

'Lemon & Lime', 'Ulises', 'Warneckii' & 'Lime Light'.

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